Helping others understand Unity and create great games!
VR shooter build at VISR-VR
C++ Galton board simulation
Multiplayer game build on the Vertex networking engine and Unity!
Learn how to assemble an engine using the Hololens!
A suite of data visualized using Unity and Plotly
C++ Deferred Rendering
C++ DirectX Ray Tracing and Shaders
Multiplayer MultiThreaded C++ DirectX drawing game
Muliplayer game where the controller is your phone
Massive Multiplayer Online game
A deck builder game combined with a spell combo system, all for a game jam!
Action Adventure game on Steam and Android
First game I published for Windows Phone using MonoGame!
Android puzzle game made in Java with cloud storage
Ludum Dare 36 Game Jam Entry
The project that started it all!
A dive inside one of the most popular game console!
While not managing your time
Adventure in town